police in bridgeport connecticut were caught on tape uh... teasing an individual at a park and then after eighties and he's on the floor and he's not moving this happens now...
colin farmer a blind man was teaser to buy it police officers when they mistook his white teen forests ameri stored after please had received reports that a man was wandering the streets with us and i...
is remember the incident at u_c_ davis whereas a number of protesters uh... knows part by the prime movement but they're also complaining about of course was happening in terms of rates...
asunder police officers in miami-dade have been fired after it was discovered that they were big noreen emergency calls to do personal things like canoeing in fact in the next video our police...
tragic news in south africa uh... a twenty seven-year-old taxi driver by the name of of my own the sierra was tied to the back of a police car by three police officials and uh... they started driving...