Hi! My name is Yuriy Spasokukockiy and here is my pupil His name is Viktor Magin He came to train with me Today we did bench pressing 90kg x 5 times So, Viktor, why did you decide to come and train?...
ok so you are at LISC, welcome a London International Study Centre. We are independent ..... college and wich offers an academic programs as wireless intencive English programs. One of the unique...



Sub shrine by TravelPod member jossie I see the light by TravelPod member jossie Nice by TravelPod member jossie Torii at Ise shrine by TravelPod member jossie Leaves by TravelPod member jossie...
Japan One would never wish for better Here the sun will rise forever And ever Stay, oh please, Memories… Empty What they always knew as crowded Dazed and terrified they run Tumbling down But then...



Speaking of an expansion in Korea, Russia relations South Korea is prepped and ready to launch its new indigenously-built satellite in Russia next week. Seoul's science ministry said Wednesday...
Butsfilm is presenting video film VENICE 2012 Venice is located on island. From north side the island is connected to continent the bridge The length of the bridge makes 4 km. Now we are moving on...
Hello everyone. It's Asiya. And today I'll make a special review. Why? Well, I didn't want to make a video, but then I found something interesting. The Japanese invented such a...
Creative Association "EKRAN" (Studio Ekran) 2nd of July, Sunday Cinema Tourist Beer-Waters (Name of a restaurant) Vodka Glass dishes reception center For garbage Script writer: A....



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This is called humiliation Chief This behind the scenes! Man! Wait, and I'll include DOT 58 minutes so better times Shut What is the password for Wi-FI in the school? How did you not know...