Είσε Πατρίδα μου της γης μια γειτονιά You are, my homeland, a neighbourhood of the earth που οι πονεμένοι βρήσκουνε ζεστή φωλιά where the downtrodden find a warm nest Κυνηγιμένοι απο τους δύσκολους...



Οι οικονομικοί εκτελεστές ειμαστε οι υπεύθυνοι για τη δημιουργία αυτής της πρώτης παγκόσμιας αυτοκρατορίας. Και δουλεύουμε με πολλούς διαφορετικούς τρόπους Ομως, ίσως ο πιο κοινός είναι ο εντοπισμός...



Fortress Europe is murdering even children Political and legal accountability now Midnight in Aegean Sea, Greek -- Turkish border: On January 19th, 2014 a boat with 26 refugees (23 Afghans and 3...
On your highways burst tires, and dead animals your state's laws, stolen dreams, marked cards, citizens with no city, soldiers with no bullets a few with courage and the rest are finished...



GOVERMENT'S GOAL: ONE WORKING MEMBER IN EACH FAMILY Good evening, kids. Good evening, dad. I did my calculations, and according to the schedule the one who will be eating this month, is...



This song is dedicated to all the simple Greek citizens who are having a hard time these days just as I am. And I am not calling us “innocent Greek citizens” because each of us... has a share of...
My fellow citizens, my fellow people, my fellow Greeks of the heroic and harrowed Greece,   through our People the time has come to address myself to you as I had done in 2009.   Then I had said that...



but also out of the weekends proposals from a german finance ministry that came out suggesting that the european commission or just off all people have been building athens and take over the running...



The door's closed, my mind's open On the road that you created I walk alone On the undergroud, thousands of fetters, I hold tight One more charm I set m mind on fire, I burn my dreams...

