This is the end Hold your breath and count to ten Feel the earth move and then Hear my heart burst again For this is the end I've drowned and dreamt this moment So overdue I owe them Swept...
I used to be 5, now I'm past 25 I hope I'm alive when im 95 105 might be too many 5's depending on what type of technology exists talk to me, let me know you it's now...
Welcome participants, if you may please do follow me inside.... Welcome professionals, to the IGC facility. Where you will stay for the whole course of this project. During your stay, you will work...



You shout it out But I can't hear a word you say I'm talking loud not saying much I'm criticized But all your bullets ricochet Shoot me down, but I get up I'm...



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Breathing you in when I want you out Finding our truth in a hope of doubt Lying inside our quite drama-a-a-a Wearing your heart like a stolen dream Opening skies with your broken keys No one can blind...
Hey! Umm my name is Leif and this is my youtube channel Shave It Up - Zedd So, for my very first video ever I have decided to talk about a subject that affects us all, very dearly Canada honestly,...
Subete ni ame ga kuri dashita ho omou de Suri chi ga nisa mani mirai dono saeke Muretase na yakana ga chisaku suwote Watashi deki tano ga wasurerai da yume wo Eien ni dakara wake sa nai ke do Ano...
Come With Me Steve Aoki Ft Polina I dare you to come along with me Let's take a walk along the stars Leaving this world behind and were drifting Go to a place we can feel alive So if...
Yeah Yeah Absolute values by, nerds be flipping lines way up high Define ABS? Distance from zero, more or less Yeah This is how I roll, absolute values out of control This is minus nine between two...