Well, dates for accession depend, of course, on progress being made. And that's one of the things I've been discussing in Serbia today. A great deal of progress has been made in recent...
Goal! This is the most beautiful goal since there is EBEL league. This is incredible! This should be seen one more time. -This will be rotated on the net for months for sure. This is "play of...
My name is Julien, I come from France. I'm 23, and I was a student as ZSEM last year. I've been here for 4 months, and, well, I must admit that when I had to pick an exchange semester...



Izazivač u perolakoj kategoriji Ricardo Lamas zna da je pred njim dalek put, ali je svjestan činjenice da je briga za tijelo važna kao i redovan trening. Akupunktura, istočnjačka medicina,...



u svijetu podjeljenom Ratom Siromaštvom Nacionalnosti Religijom glas mira glas jedinstva ljudskih vrijednosti se pojavio... prepoznat od državnika cijelog svijeta Od najvećih gradova do...



I think this here proves that we are the best this year. The Croatian team was amazing in this World Cup. What can you do? Grab your sword and charge! On the 3rd day my teammates asked me why I...
Balkan Tagebuch Samstagabend Hi! Ich bin Kent und bin gerade in Kroatien angekommen Es ist meine erste Reise in den Balkan Ich bin hier um Gottes wirken in der Gemeindegründung zu sehen: Morgen...
The European Union was born from a single idea. An idea shared by a few; then by many. Today, thanks to other ideas, the EU can keep on learning and moving forward. These ideas come from you. And we...
These boys are awesome, they are singing a few songs, I don't know if you can call that a song. *Chants* I have been given the best job in football. I'm going to be travelling all over...
An Egyptian doctor, named Mahmoud Fathalla, said: "Women are not dying because of illnesses we cannot treat. Women are dying because society has yet to decide that their lives are worth...