let on the phone it's a pleasure to welcome back to this program that may be may be the first guest ever i think we may have been the very first guess before before even i started in radio he...
I'm joined today by former navy chaplain Gordon clinging Schmidt check out his website pray in Jesus name dot org also joined by reverend marks and landmark is a Presbyterian minister co...
nyob zoo. hnub no mr.hotsia tuaj Chaiyaburi mas Hmoob. Yog xav saib yuav ua li cas nrhiav kub nyob rau Dej Naj Khoos. Saib ntom xuab zeb txheej. ua ntej lub sij hawm kuv xav tias kub panning nyob rau...
i volas uh ... realigis lia unua demando uzante citaĵo c skribi mails en lia libro potenco plumbo aŭ iuj aliaj libro li diris ke se vi se iu komencas paroli pri potenco de la uzo de povo vi aŭtomate...

