Would you like additional assistance with managing the payments you receive? If so you may be able to volunteer for Income Management. Volunteering for Income Management is a way to help you manage...
The Student Update team is typing in response to Facebook notifications. Title: Student Update’s Live Facebook Q&As – Behind the Scenes Amanda Dennett, Senior Social Media Adviser: Our...
I'm becoming more independent. Can this affect my Centrelink payments? There's a number of things when that is occurring that may relevant to, in particular, the amount of money that...
What are my rights when dealing with Centrelink? People have the right to apply for anything they think they might be entitled to. Doesn't necessarily mean that you'll have the right...
What happens if I owe money to Centrelink? That's one of the most common areas. People think that if they get overpaid by Centrelink that it's right that they have to pay it back, and...
Ever get sick of having a clogged letterbox? Or felt the mail was getting away from you? Or wondered whether something was going on? Hey, what are you doing?” Has it all made you think there must be...
What is Centrelink? Centrelink is the government agency that provides a range of mostly cash payment and some services on behalf of the federal government. So they're a bit separate from...
How can I complain about Centrelink or their staff? In both the complaint system and the appeal system there's a what Centrelink calls an internal review system and an external or independent...
Hey! AOA! Hey! Brave Sound, drop it Your eyes keep lookin' at me boy But it's not the same as it was before I know that I'm still good looking But why do you look at me like if...
Hi, I’m Mel from the Department of Human Services. Today, many people are getting letters online because it’s fast, easy and convenient. If you’re registered with Centrelink Online Services with an...