Yoga teacher training program

Vrksasana, Tree Pose. Tree Pose begins with the balance and stability the soles of your feet. So if you're beginning in Tadasana, we'll check that we have stability in the soles of...
If you could wave a magic wand, and change anything about the hearing care industry, anything, what would it be? When I ask hearing care professionals this question, the answer I get over and over...
Q: Earlier this evening we managed to abduct John Lennon and George Harrison. The film of the Maharishi was still being processed at the time but we started by taking up a point that the Maharishi had...
0:00:39.940,0:00:43.150 0:01:09.480,0:01:14.050 0:01:14.050,0:01:19.420 tell us a little bit about your day job it's an after school program which is something that i think is really great...
So, when I think of Club Pilates, I think of Tomorrow's Pilates. We are not old school thinking, we're incorporating modern science and bio-mechanics and we have restructured our...
I started working with people with disabilities 36 years ago. ♪♪ guitar strumming ♪♪ I went to work starting programs without any sort of government funding, I was told it couldn't be done....
Rural rejuvenation... Action for Rural Rejuvenation [ARR] is mainly aimed at rejuvenating the human spirit. When I say human spirit I don't know how many of you have, do you, have you walked...
So, here's a question that I get all the time: what's the difference between the Path Within Program and almost any other program out there? let me first tell you what the Path Within...
>> HARWOOD: The Space Foundation seal is my number one marketing benefit. The Space seal stands out. People notice it on our advertising pieces, our collateral material, the print media...