Who wouldn't like to be a SuperHuman? In the movies they are strong, smart and have no weaknesses. SuperHumans are challenged by many forces not only physically but also mentally and yet they...
(01) Corfu by TravelPod member twittg (02) Corfu beach by TravelPod member twittg (03) Corfu by TravelPod member twittg (04) view of Old Fortress in Corfu Town by TravelPod member twittg (05) Tom at...
00:15 I like to welcome you to Battles of Faith, 00:17 my name is David Shin and I'm here with 00:18 Steve Wohlberg who is the speaker and director 00:20 of While Horse Media based in Fresno,...
Some people hitched a ride by TravelPod member mandy_karl Observation carriage by TravelPod member mandy_karl View from adams peak by TravelPod member mandy_karl Picking by TravelPod member mandy_karl...
Shot down in NY City man I was done I was looking to fold Took a short drive to Memphis to see a man about saving my soul Spent a little time in Cleveland to check out the home of that rock n roll...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf540 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
The sea stretches from the coast to where the view is not enough. without horizons. Many are content to know it close to the ground, where they feel safe. But it's more than that. Many are...
Hi. I’m Robin Palmer and this is Faith Palmer. Thanks for the kisses, Faith! This is a true story that amazed me and I wanted you to know it. And so I asked Ellen Morano and her husband, Ray, if I...
Hello, I'm Norman Swan. Welcome to this program, A is For Asthma: Managing Asthma in Primary School Children. Back-to-school asthma is a common problem in Australia with a spike in...