Chang Chun Temple by TravelPod member teamrocket8 Wooden suspension bridge, we meet again! by TravelPod member teamrocket8 The two temples by TravelPod member teamrocket8 By the Qing Shui Cliffs by...
They insist in telling people it's fast food by TravelPod member joaopisco One of the 1000 karaokes in UB by TravelPod member joaopisco Again the electrical structures...very reliable... by...
Our train by TravelPod member kamyp Hualien City by TravelPod member kamyp Seven star lagoon by TravelPod member kamyp A marble pathway!!! by TravelPod member kamyp Rolling mountains by TravelPod...
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01Map and Information on Green Island by TravelPod member ilombardo 02Green Island Scenery by TravelPod member ilombardo 07Green Island Pagodas by TravelPod member ilombardo 08White Sand Beach by...
Hotspring place on road to Taiping Shan by TravelPod member kurtmult Bridge in hotspring park by TravelPod member kurtmult Old logging train inTaiping Shan area by TravelPod member kurtmult Today to...



I've been in Taiwan for over 40 years In these 40 years I've seen Taiwan's progress When I first arrived the people of Taiwan lived in poverty The Camillians focus on those in...



Translated for and proprietary to Engin Akyurek Universal Fans Club (EAUFC) Facebook Page. Please do not copy, or download translated file without permission of page administrators. Thank you to EAUFC...



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