mr.hotsia: I was going into BANHO. BANHO mean HOME BAN is Home same Thai call thai people call BAN Among eight kilometers Way come to here. Less people. will come here. Most people just...
hotmail in high school student at pressed into you know i was being interviewed by a local television station w_ h_ a_ n_ g_ and during interview you know he was talking about bullying uh... he had...
so tricia paid assassin new timber that we spoke about earlier this week has a video response ass after we criticize for support for mit romney now we want to mock receipt you guys can support whoever...
rapper lil wayne was featured in a remakes of futures karate chop anne-marie makes he makes a reference to emmett till now and it's now out was a fourteen-year-old boy from chicago uh... who...
Translation: ai* Timing: Rasckita / Qi Luo Raw: onozonozo (Galatasaray is the greatest football team in Turkey.) [Yoon Kye Sang's journey to Turkey] - Ep 17 - [12 November 2008] [Antalya Old...



I met you after going through several break ups Maybe that's why I was more scared to start with you But getting to know someone and loving someone How great would it be if you were the last...
our talks and it is a fourteen-year-old goalkeeper in britain and apparently he has tourette syndrome and jury one call it that the referee major in one game uh... he became very upset he...
Salamu alaykum It is Eid, today is Bayram. The most happy day in the Heavens and the Heaven will send this spirit for the Earth and the Earth will digest it. This could be heavy day, the first day,...
قبعة جميلة أيها الأحمق أنت تبدو كالبطة لقد جعلت ألفريد يقرأ كتبك فقال لي أنها سيئة سأحطم خصياتك البريطانية حتى تتحطم وتنهرس لقد رأيت محققين أفضل منك يعملون في تانغو وكاش أيها الأحمق أنا أطرد أمثالك...