Well, at least the trailer was good. ♪ (male voice) I need your help. This child is in danger. (child) Daddy! (Johnny Blaze) I don't save people. [chain rattling] (Tommy) Coming out of the...
21年前 我刚入行 那时候 干这行的不是罪犯就是混混 如果刚刚出狱 想重新开始生活 “做哪行 他们不会计较你的过去?” “厨师吧” 对15岁的我来说也一样 当然 我没进监狱 但我没读完初中就辍学了 20年的时间 转瞬即逝 如今我珍惜每一天 分秒必争 过去从未如此 也没人这样教过我 我们承办了一场加冕礼 很成功 之后 客人越来越多 一切都陷入忙乱 但在我看来 这种狂乱 就好像是餐厅的中年危机 “接...
I've been thinking about equality and about hope. Last week, I packed up, got in my car, and drove to San Marcos, Texas to participate in a camp for young leaders. These young leaders happen...
Hoi Ashley The question was: What Are Five Things I've Learned Since Finishing High School? Number One: it is never worth it to be nervous. Number Two: I learned how to cope with my body image...
Hey everybody, it's swankivy again, bringing you another Letters to an Asexual. This is Number 16. I got this request on Tumblr. The letter reads: I wanted to ask about coming out as asexual....
On some occasions time seems to fly, like when you're so close to a game's next level, but other times it slows to a crawl, like that moment before your first kiss. Of course the rate...
Today on The Physics Factor I have the pleasure of interviewing my own advisor, Professor Paul McEuen here at Cornell. Thank you Paul for joining me today. My pleasure. So I think the whole group...
soviet this is by far one of the best social media accounts i've personally have ever seen of the maturities s_l_ until so in all seriousness i settled berlin johnson of middle and last name...
Hello, it's Missy! And welcome to Draw My Life. My story starts on February 7th, 1994 when I was born. I was the first of two daughters, and my sister was born two years later on March 25th....