Sometimes when we gain greater bible knowledge, we are not as selfish as we used to be because what happens a lot of times when we become more secure when we have more faith is that sometimes we might...
You know that change is happening more frequently faster than ever before in fact if you're a tech person I know you're waiting for Wednesday to happen iOS5 is coming out. The iCloud...
The other day I read a story about a piccolo player, oddly called "Picolo Pete". He was a member of a large orchestra. One day at rehearsal, everything was going lovely. All the...
In June of 2012, the Gamo people got the Bible translated in their own language for the first time. We almost take for granted that we experience when God speaks through His Scriptures, that the...
The Word of God in your mouth is mighty to save souls, to change a life. How does that work? When you are tuned in to the Holy Spirit and you are LISTENING to what He is telling you and you OBEY and...
12/16/2012 Zion Sermon Pastor Dave Sermon Text: LUKE 3:7-18 Let us rise for the reading of this morning's Sermon Text recorded for us in the Gospel of LUKE where we read from Chapter 3,...
The Bible says in John 1:1,2 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God" We read in verse 14 "And the...
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God made man in His own image to rule with Him but because of disobedience man was cast out of the presence of God. Satan was also a son of God but He rebelled against God and He was cast out of...