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Hello, and welcome back to Scrum 101. There are many ways of measuring progress throughout the duration of a sprint. And one of the more common ways is to draw a sprint burn down graph. I'd...
Title screen During the manufacturing process of building new furnace systems, there is quite a bit of oil left on the heat exchangers and internal parts. This oil will naturally burn off the first...



We're calling this Project Greenhouse. And I'm the Invisible Man. So what does it mean to become invisible? For the next month I'll become carbon neutral, meaning I...
What is A fast burning foods that has everyone raving about? In this day and time people will consume more calories than our body can get rid of and Did you know that there are some foods that will...
If my body was on fire You would watch me burn down in flames You said you loved me You are a liar 'Cause you never, ever, ever did baby Easy come, easy go That's just how you live, oh...
I've got some stains in this cultured marble counter top. They're not super bad. But they are there. You can see here. Maybe a cigarette burn. The nice thing about cultured marble is...
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what is up guys thegamingplatypus here and today we're going to be playing some more Team Fortress 2 and I believe this is multiplayer Monday's episode oh well changed so art year as a...

