There has to be good in here Have all things gold turned souvenir? But what was that you said? All the things we love we hate instead Last chance as if it could hurt Too much to be first The first...
And this fever And sleepiness that overrides my ability A tired form of carrying the day It seems a day is all it takes To forget that our watches run backwards And our cells begin to dissipate Losing...
I just called to say I got your message the other day Passed it down the alleyway Slid inside the cracks in the wall I just called to say I just called to say I got your message the other day I found...
Came in through an open window Through a small mistake Glanced over at your sleeping baby We can hardly wait In the red museum It's had to sleep We are known for the lack Of the words we speak Now he...
You got a peaceful mind And that makes me glad Something I can't afford Something I've never had Is that all I'm here for? Is it all I'm here for? Can't be all I'm here for Keeping the wolves from the...
Unfortunately, we are not licensed to display the full lyrics for this song at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to in the future. Until then... how about a random page?[]
Damn it all to hell I lost the map From last time that I took this trip And I forgot just where I fell And now I can just never tell Where it is I stand I lost myself from the first time that I took...
Unleash the wolves Carnage has no rules Comparison, competition We'll bury one and all Look in the eyes of rage A loyalty bred of suffering The fire inside it burns eternally, victory Look in the eyes...
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Only a White man would make a fire for everyone to see Only a White man would make a fire for everyone to see Only a White man would make a fire for everyone to see Only a White man would make a fire...