NARRATOR: From our community to yours... WOMAN: I'm Shirley Harasym for Accessible Media. Ten years ago, a massive blackout reminded us how much we all depend on electricity and the importance...
We're at a moment right now when homegrown energy, like wind energy, is creating new jobs all across Iowa and all across the country. And guess what? Governor Romney said, let's end...
(Image source: Makani Power) BY MIKE WESTFALL AND MIKAH SARGENT Google's super-secret research lab, Google X, is focusing its attention on the clouds. After early investments with the company,...
wind turbines and something that has seven and is whenever a wind turbines are about to be proposed nearby donald donald trump is famously adverse against a wind turbine farming off the shore in...
[Intro Music] [Music] Doug Johnson, Public Affairs Specialist, Bonneville Power Administration: I’m at Biglow Canyon Wind facility near Wasco, Ore., to talk a little bit more about wind. Now we all...
Energy from America Amidst the Economic Crisis and Global Warming Crisis Citizens of the Pacific Northwest states of Washington and Oregon decided they didn't want nuclear power plants because...
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- It is with us Katerina Xristofilidou. Good Afternoon Katerina - Good Afternoon - Surfing with.....Wind Power ! - The least, a green surfing. Let's go see it. - Very Nice ! The internet gets...