One night last summer we were camped at ten thousand feet up where the air is clear, high in the Rockies of Lost Lake, Colorado. And as the fire burned low and only a few glowing embers remained, we...
I had an old cat named Roy. He was a good ol' boy. He used to go a-huntin', down by the lake, Catch 'im a nice, fresh garter snake. Bring 'im on back and then set in the grass, Lookin' like he had 'im...



One green April mornin', when I was a young boy I lay by the window, a-watchin' the rain And I wondered if ever the sun would come shinin' So I could go somewhere to play Then down from the sky flew a...
She was born in the brief mountain springtime Blue in the late mountain snow And she grew in the sunlight of summer But she knew when the aspen turned gold That she had grown old Columbine, columbine...
One cold, black night of a Colorado winter It snowed on Red Mountain Pass We warned ev'rybody that the Slide was runnin' An' 5-5-Oh was a mess But outta the plowshed, south a' town Come a blade with a...