Why did mitt romney lose

i got a very interesting set of uh... email sent to me all asked me to look into the merc mormon church breaking the law allegedly to find mit romney so i went back and did some research on this and...
particularly in the context of uh... mitt romney's binder story imperiling uh... there's like an entire cottage industry uh... built up around uh... uh... mitt romney's binder...
ginji pinsky in for tom harkin here on the news you need to know this richard nixon's drug war may be breathing it's last gasps colorado washington an organ all have measures on the...
listen to this political act business more people who you know frequently fact they went ahead and uh... did of tally which political party tells the truth more often you guys probably already see...
quarterbacks are nearly a year and nathan white here's where this is a national spokesman for restoring both the website is restore the fourth and spell that for you are teaching dot match and...
uh... about what a focus on forty finish here all the ways conservatives that wrong and start to lunch this is my list of the twelve excuses but it sure is that because it before by what big big...
market status murchison free speech to be a dish network a mark what's up any uh... well i got your rather quickly there that heavily-armed you know your you're talking about these...
taking your audience questions please submit them on our website david patten dot com click on contact us nerdy canadian wants to know louis how did we meat this is actually i i actually remember we...
mit romney during this promotion or religious speech or is it going to leave but except love religion let's make sure he is a secular side proximity with organ sews or a farewell speech waited...
jargon here on the news you need to know this pressure is increasing at mit romney to release his tax returns bally's fifteen prominent republicans including george will bill kristol and...