Hey babe, I was thinking that I really need an iPad. What? Why do you think that? Well, I was working on these projects for work earlier and writing email and just thought that an iPad would be so...
Why another book on goal setting? you have been telling me that a lot of people have heard of and do goal setting. A lot of gurus have talked about goal setting so why another book on goal setting?...
Remove his hood. ♪ on that Eve, the captive Imp ♪ ♪ downwards from his horse did limp ♪ ♪ no more would he preen and primp ♪ ♪ in garb of red and gold. ♪ This isn't the Kingsroad. You said we...



I was wondering how old my water heater is. Why would you be wondering about that? I lead a boring life. No, seriously I am thinking of replacing it with a solar model. Well, there are ways you can...



I am thinking about going to the bars Friday night. Oh yeah? Are you after the young hotties? I might be after some hotties, but not young ones. Oh, so gray hair turns you on? Yes, I like older men....
How is the job hunt going? I just got my resume revamped by a pro. But I have one question. Should I include a picture in my resume? That is a very difficult question. That is why I am asking the...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;}...
bjbjLULU Welcome to How to Start A Business and Keep Your Job. I am Ron Story Jr. Founder and Managing Partner of DC Financial Partners. In this webinar you will learn the basic fundamentals needed to...