这个人没有做过犯死罪的事情 把他打一顿 然后 就可以放了 在逾越节 你必须照例释放一个囚犯给我们 那就释放巴拉巴 对 除掉这个人 对 释放巴拉巴 把他钉十字架 对 钉死他 你 你 抽他 彼拉多 你还等什么 他是耶稣 你们为什么这样折磨他 放开他 他是弥赛亚 他什么坏事也没做 把他拉起来 许多人高声喊叫 要求把耶稣钉在十字架上 因此 彼拉多给耶稣判处了死刑 把那个因作乱杀人 而囚在狱中的巴拉巴释放了...



Hi, I'm Francis, the host of this show "Cooking with Dog." Let’s make the batter for the crepes. Sieve the cake flour into a bowl. Add the sugar and mix with a balloon...
A man who had not seen Mr Keuner for a long time greeted him with the words: “You haven’t changed a bit.” “Oh!” said Mr Keuner, and turned pale. - BERTOLT BRECHT. Some people marry early at 20 And do...
Hi. My name is Brandon Sarkis, on behalf of Expert Village. Today, I'm going to be showing you how to make The Next Best Thing to Robert Redford Pie. So now we move on to the final layer,...
Hi, I'm Rachel for Expert Village. Now I'm going to show you how to make the whip cream. If you want you can always use the rest of the mocha cream and you would top the whole cake,...
Hi everyone, I’m going to show you how to make fresh, delicious whipped cream today the easy way from easywhip.com. Many of you have seen your Mom make it the old fashioned way, using a whisk to whip...
[MUSIC PLAYING] WOMAN: [SINGING] Three whipped cream pies on the wall, three whipped cream pies. If one of the pies should happen to fall, two whipped cream pies on the wall. One, two. Two whipped...



Lo quiero con crema batida nena, dame, dame, dame tu amor Por que estoy hambriento, no puedes negarmelo, dios sabe que tienes de sobra Nena, estoy deseandolo, se que tienes tus razones para quedartelo...

