even of course irrational approach crimea or you can take the Fox News approach 05 Susana bring our of Peters is a retired lieutenant colonel colonel and he's a lunatic a and workers to see...
WINTER IS COMING... to a theater near you? Turns out that the Game of Thrones series finale, whenever it happens, may be too big for TV. Author George R.R. Martin recently opened up to The Hollywood...
the Department of Health and Human Services has approved a study that at the University of Arizona wants to do and it involves marijuana and how could possibly treat former military members who have...
- TYWIN: Can you read? - My lord? Can you read? This letter detailing our infantry movements was meant for Lord Damon of House Marbrand. It was sent to Lord Marlyn of House Dormand. My apologies, my...
MEERA: Mud men. Bog devils. Those are just the most pleasant names our fellow Northerners have for us. The crannogmen who live in the swamps of the Neck. Because we do not live in castles like them....
MAN: Stay within one table length. Your Grace. Do your knucklebones bring you luck? Well, life's been good since you hacked them off, Your Grace. And it's four less fingernails to...
l don't think l know this one. Pretty. That's the worst curtsy l've ever seen. Here, it's not difficult. l mastered it when l was four. Straighten your back and bend....
What did they do? I thought the Dothraki didn't believe in money. Gold to hire ships, Princess, ships to sail to Westeros. Jorah, make them stop. - Khaleesi? - You heard me. These men have...
The Seven Kingdoms are at war with one another. Four false kings destroying the country. To win Westeros, you need support from Westeros. The Usurper is dead. The Starks fight the Lannisters, and...
LITTLEFINGER: lmpregnable. That's how the Vale sees itself. Shielded from Westeros by its mountains. They call the entrance to their lands the Bloody Gate because during the Age of Heroes a...

