>> Every person wants to live in the memories of others even after his death. This thought sometimes seems like the desire of oasis in the desert where no one knows how to save himself...
Hi I'm Jessica Meiczinger with Simply Divine Events and I'm here to talk about favor ideas for your garden themed wedding. First of all we have here what is a great idea is you can get...
After viewing our silver and gold 14 inch Elastic Loops on our web site, customers often wonder if they can use them on their folding Programs. Our Loops come in silver and gold and are 14 inches...
LCI Paper is a Do It Yourself, a DIY invitation company. We cater to people who are making their own invitations at home. So what inspires you? Do you take inspiration from a piece that was delivered...
Hi I’m Kristen and I’m holding a twine embellished gate fold invitation. This invitation is a really simple combination of a 5x7, A7 gate fold wrap, wrapped up in this nice rustic twine. Inside is a...
Hi I’m Kristen, and in this tutorial you’ll learn how to make a seasonal vellum wrap invitation like this one. Super easy in design, all this is is an A nine card pre-cut; five and a half by eight...
So you've planned all the details to your wedding, and you've gotten all your RSVPs back and you're trying to develop a seating plan for your wedding dinner. Hi I'm...
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I am going nuts trying to put together this wedding budget. Do you know how to save a bunch of money on wedding flowers? I suppose putting a few daisies from the front yard in your hair isn’t what...