MALE SPEAKER: Go! SPARKY109: I'm a treehugger. TRACY TRAINS: Oh, I'd like to hug your tree. ALLISON: TMI! TMI! TMI! JONEZZZZZZZ: Get that treesap, Tracy. Woo! FEMALE SPEAKER: Press to...
Michael Bach: It's time for this week's webisode of the "Diversity & Inclusion Debrief". I sit down with Brent Chamberlain, the Executive Director of Pride at...
take as their cross your fingers hollywood and acceded american idol and i've talked to former contestant easy james and it was recently tested voted off bring out a letter within thirty years...
[ Music ] >> What does it mean to be represented in Congress? Have you met your congressional representative? What issues concern you most? War, education, environment, women's...
THEME SONG: Post your status kill. -[SNIFFS] Open Nav. [ELECTRONIC STARTUP NOISE] -I count six of them, including the VIP. The others are low priority. 2,000 meters and counting. -Weapons? -Looks like...
[MUSIC PLAYING] [CLANGING] You know what? See, Jazzy is-- I mean she is young. Yes, I agree. She is young. But I mean, there are children in China that are way surpassing her already. Jazzy? Jazzy?...
Alright, we are live here. I'm Amanda Blackwell sitting with BYU softball player Carly Duckworth and first of all Carly, how's the summer going? It's going really good. Lots of...
And now we talk sports with Tumamao Harawira. Tena koe, Tu. Rugby - Hikawera Elliot has been kicked out by Hawke's Bay after eight years due to his unavailability this year, according to their...

