In a world where rabbits roam the space lanes... BUNNIES... IN... SPACE Hello, this is Nick again, and I wanted to introduce you to my comic, Bunnies in Space. First, Bunnies rise up against their...
Today I'm gonna talk about the future of comics, and the future of comics is the democratization of comics. Meaning, whether you're on disability, whether you're a professional...
If you're looking for mainstream distribution of your comic book, there's only one place to go, Diamond Comic Distributors. Diamond is the world's largest comic book...
Welcome to the Dragon Ball Z Abridged- oh no it isn't. -Is that Kroze? Krooooze!- Noo- I'm not Kroze... He isn't here yet- -No not yet...- Kroze is not here now, he's...
Let's now go over to our Lee JeeHyun who's standing at the weather center Good mornign JeeHyun Good morning Yousun and happy Thursday everyone Nice start to a day We are waking up to...
The triforce is a golden relic and the ultimate source of power in the Zelda universe. The triforce of gamer knowledge is the ultimate source of learning in education. The three triangles represent...
[Family sits in living room surrounded by original art from comics] Joe Chiappetta: So we've got the Silly Daddy family here, and uh, just some of the comics. There's over five hundred...
There seems to be a burgeoning trend in Korean cinema adapting popular webcomics or comics into big budget movies. The popularity of webcomics has gone through the roof in recent years. And film...
Computer games are fun and gaming is an important aspect of digital culture. The best part about computer games is that when we play, we learn! The Triforce of Gamer Knowledge shows how we learn...
Tonight I'll Be Rejected My homeroom teacher, Kirihara-sensei is thick-headed, lame, and messy. He's not popular with women. Your desk is all messy again. And you just cleaned it up...