a twenty seven-year-old teacher a suing new york after a six year old student of his acting did his kneecap let's take a look at a local news report rolled john webster isn't two...
here there's a new trend in relationships it's known as the state over relationship and basically what happens in that type of unconventional relationship is two parties have their own...
What are the pros and cons of being a comedian? I think about this question every day of my life. The pros: I get to write my own schedule, I get to pursue my dream, and I get to make people laugh and...
Hi! My name is Jay and I am talking to you guys on behalf of expertvillage.com. I am going to be talking to you guys today on basic skills for hacky sacking or foot bagging. Actually what I am going...
I really like the formfitting bootie in yellow inside of the shoe because it fits around your feet just like a glove. I really like the green flywire cables in this shoe. It really helps with the...
Hi guys it's Kristy I'm here to introduce you to my Vlog I just wanted to start off with talking about my blog Because that is where all of this started My Blog is about my foot...
There is another way to add links to your posts that helps emphasize them. As you can see, I am working on an announcement that a blizzard is going to delay our mid-winter retreat. I have my title,...
If I wanted to buy everything, even unable to afford it then I would still buy everything. They're out, I get them. They're out, I get them. You can't have everything. I just...
Let's take a look at Star Tours. Which isn't bad. Fast pass return time...it's 9:45...and the fast pass return time is noon. 45 minute stand by. Every now and then I see...