Eu paguei minhas dividas Vez por vez Eu completei minha sentenca Mas nao cometi nenhum crime E erros serios Fiz poucos Eu tive meu pouco de areia Chutado na minha cara Mas eu sobrevivi Nos somos os...



@(= Legendado por "LegendadoVideos" =)@ Assim que ele entrou pela janela Ouviu-se um estrondo Ele entrou no apartamento dela Ele deixou a mancha de sangue no carpete Ela correu para...
Excuses moi, mais qu'est ce que tu fais ? Je m'entraine. Ca c'est une Power-ball : ça te muscle les mes mains et te donne des avant-bras d'acier. Ca a été conçu en...



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I've paid my dues 난 내야할건 다 냈어 Time after time 시간이 지날때마다 I've done my sentence 난 내 죗값을 치뤘지만 But committed no crime 범죄는 저지르지 않았지 And bad mistakes ?그리고 안좋은 실수들을 I've made a few...
We'd done our support tour, and then Mel Bush came to us. He was a pretty top promoter at the time who had already done the Mott tour. And he said, "l think you guys can headline the...
Hello, this is Gia Saralidze in the studio of Vestnik Kavkaza. As usual, we are talking about the most interesting events in the world of football. Today there is only one event like this, and it has...
You see, my lover makes no sound His language is his hands I watch his fingers dance and try to understand I try to understand his elegant ballet In my heart I can hear the words he longs to say And...
BLENNZ Homai Campus opening May 17 2012. Here are some reflections on the day from principal Jane Wells. [interviewer] So how's your day Jane? [Jane] Well it's been a wonderful,...
I have something to tell I just bought a million and now we have or our next step is to get rid of solar power so we can make one million dollar like 0 I'll 0 this I'm this this today...