hi this is karen titus back with part two of the watercolor wonder notecards today we're using the four different cards that have this green watercolor look so the first card this is a cute...
Hi I'm Sue with Expert Village and before we begin our aquarelle pencil drawing we need to tape our watercolor paper and tape it to our masonite board. One of the reasons why we do that is...
O.k. what I've done here because it's just more convenient is I put cobalt blue and red here, and then the yellow so that you can use them all together being very close instead of...
Hi this is Sue with Expert Village and now we're going to apply our green in the background the colors I'm using today are an olive green, nimeral green a lighter color of a lime...
Once again, these are pencils, so you can revert back to any of the techniques that you learned when you were learning how to draw, and you drew with a regular...regular old lead pencil and paper....
As good of a tool as water-color pencil is, it's not always the obvious choice to use. Some of the detail that I get involved with, as an example, on ...with horsehair, you would think that a...
Something you can do with water-color pencils, like we talked about earlier with layering colors, you can also layer with water-color pencil, and get some different colors that way. You can mix your...
All right. We've been talking a lot about layering water-color pencils, but you can also layer actual water-color over your pencil marks, which gives you a real interesting technique. Again,...
(music) Hi, I'm Robin and today I'm going to demonstrate the techniques and color mixes used to paint the lovely Yellow Roses. You'll need to refer to your leaflet to complete...