Erik: How does debating issues with friends inform your approach professionally as an investment professional? Shaheen: Debating stuff with friends is good because people will surprise you and so I...
The characters in this video are only the representation of pure fiction and any person cited have no relation to reality. - Hey ! -Yeah ? -I talked to Sophie ! -Yeah, so? -I think there without bad...
You like to have fun with your friends? I guess you have the same problem as me. When I want to see my friends I send them a message. And before I know it, I'm going crazy! Let's all...
IHDR gAMA pHYs tEXtSoftware Paint.NET v3.5.100 IDATx^ FE.j ,^@DT LX?a vOko v^k_ A+8[q EW@Z* EW@Z ,E)K DmIY- EW WF *m\FWu ]qLW dI/v (FEe Q+Ta nw&]A "VTS! {!gCen Nl'2 ]lxO, ,b$N...



Have you ever seen as fine storyboard? Well, it has a lot of words in it. It's good. We are here in the homestead shooting the new NaNi collection. We are going to shoot few wool and fleece...
because it's not working or sheer and as you can see it's the second year anniversary thanks this will be parked in videos at uh... cops your naren everywhere and um... joining us too...



Ok so we're recording. Im not there yet. You are already there kivi But i cant see myself Ok ok Fero stop. But i cant see myself it just shows 3 players of 4 Ok kivi shut up were recording...



Hello youtube this is rarinsnake898 and 3 of my friends! were playing tranzit and were starting now. anyway as you may have seen my first video hopefully. lets get started. oh no im knifing a dead...
welcome everybody I'm mein bhi and so mom already quite sky great my other issue that we should hit so so what I got hooked up much ok I'm playing with YouTube of 97 across Pete and...
...... I'll eat your soul! there we come satan *laughs* *more whispering* someone's *laugh* beating *Laughs* *fap fap fap* Sweet jesus make me unn omg my god i know guys errr bragged...

