Hi, my name’s James Fuss and I study Optometry at QUT. Here at QUT there’s a great emphasis in the clinical practice of optometry. We get to practise on real patients which are real people that come...
Getting kids excited about science means that we have a future wave of scientists. Teaching science to kids is critical because it encourages them to look around themselves and ask questions. The Red...
Name: Talking LabQuest This mainstream data collection device has been adapted by Independence Science with voice access software and has revolutionized laboratory access for a student is blind or has...
My name is Bob Lefkowitz, I'm an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, I have been for many years, and a professor of medicine and biochemistry at Duke University Medical...
Welcome to SAS Visual Analytics. This game-changing software enables you to gain insight from all of your data, no matter the size of your data, or your organization. Now, there's no need to...