there is to totally different perspectives that this anti-gun hearings today from two totally different woman one was gabby difference of course the congressman who was shot and they had uh... in...
gun control has been a big topic is you guys all now and mayors against illegal guides which is an organization co-chaired by mayor bloomberg has released a video i'll with celebrities calling...
we told you about japan must give you one of the facts that we give you their i've got a related homicides in two thousand six an example in the united states was that ten thousand two hundred...
look into some of the stories we've heard from the n_r_a_ and many others that what we need to solve the gun violence problem is in mental health database basically a list of people who are...
the white house released videos of children who are reading aloud from letters of the world in support of gun control legislation assert doing letters from kids former here very these are some pretty...
ramones over national level are pirated present no bomb over as executive order sar on gun control which are perfectly benign uh... he's not passing any laws is now benny any weapons he...
rainfall has said hey you know what if president one of those exact words for gun control that that city's exam on our right he is pain compared to some other republics out former attorney...
neil has lynn is the father of a six-year-old boy who was shot in sandy hook uh... massacre in newtown connecticut and he went to go testify there was a hearing that had a thousand people in it gun...
Before I begin today, let me say to the families of the innocents who were murdered 33 days ago, our heart — our heart goes out to you. And you show incredible courage — incredible courage being...
El sábado, el día de anteayer, una mujer que no es ciudadana Estadounidense, que habla con acento extranjero, entró a la exhibición de armas de alto calibre al sur de Houston y compró el arma magnum...