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(music Intro) Welcome to this edition of Tip Jar were we're producing a one of a kind garment. This garment cost us $25 to make an all over print on a v-neck LUX T. You could see this selling...
Hi everyone, I’m Doug Downey on behalf of Expert Village, I’m here today to show you how to digitally print vinyl banners. Here is the software that comes with your Rollin printers. It’s called,...
Welcome to Advantage Sign Supply's application resource center. These videos are intended to help Advantage customers with product information and technical tips on the products and services...
Welcome to Advantage Sign Supply's application resource center. These videos are intended to help Advantage customers with product information and technical tips on the products and services...
There are 2 ways to start a new design. If you want to start with a blank slate, just click this red button that says “New Design”. However, if you prefer to preserve the formatting of your first...



This is Ann Myrick and today I am going to show you how to take hard water deposits off of your showerhead. The showerhead comes off easily. You just need to unscrew it. I have hot water in my bucket....
This is Mesh Spruce Green #392. Phifertex Mesh is a tightly woven mesh fabric with a 100% vinyl-coating on a woven polyester mesh. This designer mesh fabric is used extensively in interior and...
Hi this is Melody again on behalf of Expert Village I'm going to show you how to use or talk to you a little bit about these stickers they are removable, they peel off, they are very easy....