Hey what's up guys. This is Ricky with WakeUpNow and I want to talk about how to avoid Facebook jail, okay. So the first thing you want to think in your head is "Do I relate to this...
Hi there guys! John here, in collaboration with Sierra Trading Post, to talk to you today about winter camping. More specifically, winter campsite selection and some of the more important factors to...
Carla McNeil here from Butterfly Networking. Coming to you from New Westminster, BC for this weeks Social Media Quick Tip. This week’s social media video quick tip is about Facebook. I have been...
Hey guys! Hey guys! Poor Leo. Today we got tagged in the Mimei end of the year tag challenge. We were tagged by Mira from the channel "Kanadajin3," or...
>> Eliza Strickland: It turns out that the pattern of veins in your hand is just as unique to you as the pattern of skin on your fingertip. I visited Fujitsu’s research and development...
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Instead of sending help, Lord Berkeley resolved to fortify a chain of forts protecting the colonial elite in Jamestown – a solution that provided no comfort to those out on the frontier, so the...