Estos son mis cinco videos favoritos en YouTube. Podría haber escogido otros cinco, per...porque hay muchos que me gustan, pero, he decidido por estos. Empiezo por el trailer de "Le...



Lizzie: So, Dr. Gardiner is in the city for a few days and I need to go meet her for dinner soon. Seeing as this is a new city and the only person I know is her, it made me realize that I...
My favorite champion is Ezreal. “Time for a true display of skill!” I like to play champions who can create combos with their skills or can use their abilities in quick succession. Because his...
I’ve played over 300 games with Alistar. Just fits my personality. Mess with the bull and you get the horns. Alistar has a very aggressive play style and so much mobility. When you play Alistar you...
Bring me a real challenge. My favorite champion has to be Wukong. He can top lane, he can middle lane to counter a lot of APs middle. And he can actually jungle pretty well. I feel in love with the...
My favorite champion is Amumu. Come play with me. Amumu can change team fights hugely. The aspect of flashing onto an entire team is what drew me to Amumu. I press ‘F’ key and I press ‘R’ and a team...
My favorite champion is Katarina, the Sinister Blade. Please... make me hurt you. She brings incredible cleanup potential. Stronger cleanup potential than probably anyone in the game. A lot of people...