Trail Head for MacKenzie Falls by TravelPod member pecten56 Broken Falls by TravelPod member pecten56 Upper MacKenzie Falls by TravelPod member pecten56 MacKenzie Falls Scenic View by TravelPod member...
Hi! I’m Cherie Terry of Cherie Terry’s Permanent Cosmetics in Sedona, Arizona and on behalf of I'm here to show you a birthmark not a birthmark but a beauty mark. We have...
We've always been well looked after because i've was in the Army for 36 years and then I went I worked as a civil servant in nato with a fantastic healthcare service I retired from...
The government wanted to close the piers to build shopping malls, business centers and living areas for rich people there. For that they destroy all the memorable and historical places. We tried to...
and has the power missile launcher pennant just like to you at the soloist what makes mister yeltsin theodore dot and have a lot better than alignment with my values and my family life in years it...
The casting rumors for Catching Fire continue to swirl and the latest character in question is Johanna Mason. If you’re a big fan of the Hunger Games series, you’ll be happy to know that this news is...
I'm Brad Buckham, I'm a professional engineer and I work at UVic in Mechanical Engineering. The single most important thing about the work we're doing, is the fact that we...



My name is Curran Crawford I'm a prof at UVic, in mechanical engineering, and I study sustainable energy systems. I work on wind turbines, tidal turbines, and things like plug-in electric...