In this video I want to show you four ways to transfer the drawing of a portrait on the canvas, but before I start I want to say something about portrait painting based on photography. People...
Hi, I'm Ursula Ridens, registered dietitian at Sharp HealthCare. Today we're going to be talking about boosting your bone health. Bones play an important role in our health by...
(lively music) Steven: We're in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, and we're looking at Johannes Vermeer's The Art of Painting, which is a painting of a painter painting a...
(piano playing) Steven: We're in the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. and we're looking at one of their Vermeer's. This is Woman Holding a Balance. It's so...
Hello. I'm Walter Liedtke, Curator of European Paintings at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. And we're _______ _____ the exhibition, "Vermeer's Masterpiece The...
Hello everyone! Now I´m going to tell you a bit about an offer from our school which is called the self chosen subject. This subject our students will have like once a week, and we can choose between...
Hello Koziolek, I am your tourguide! Oh, hello! How was your flight, sir? It was good, but I´m really tired. I think we´ll start the tour tomorrow then. Have a good night´s sleep, and I´ll see you...



Tourist in Oslo. We went to Gardermoen airport to pick up Koziolek to take him on a trip around Oslo. The first place we went to was the Palace. Here you can see Koziolek marching with the guards....
(piano playing) Dr. Zucker: We'ere in the Uffizi and we're looking at Eleonora of Toledo. It's a painting by Bronzino, one of the leading portraits of the Mannerist period. Dr....
(piano playing) Dr. Steven Zucker: Niccolo da Tolentino the Florentine commander rises up on his charger. He wears no helmet. This is a painting about the Florentine victory over the Sienese that was...