Hello My Dear Pisces friends, This is your Astrologer Sundeep Kataria with some useful tips and astrological advice for the year. First of all the Tips Someone or more than one person might try to...
Aloha and welcome to Moonscopes Astrology. Happy New Year! Thank you so much for watching my videos. I love connecting with you and appreciate the opportunity to share a positive message that I hope...
Aloha and welcome to Moonscopes Astrology. On today's show we'll talk about the astrology starting from the Taurus Full Moon on November 17th to the Sagittarius New Moon on December...
Scorpion Supermoon! Hold onto your hats. There will be a full "Supermoon" May 5th, 8:34 PDT 2012. The moon will be closest to earth in its orbit around the planet. This is called a...
Hi I'm the Star Goddess and here are the tips for dating a Leo. The most important thing you have to bring with you when you are dating a Leo is a gigantic wad of cash because these are the...