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Quite cute of Tony Moo to say "A non phenomenal reckognition" but it's just unavoidable K A R M A Ramana Maharshi, He knew that and also about re-incarnation ! turning the...
I don't want to make you feel guilty or uncomfortable. And I don't want to preach to you. But I want you to open you minds and imagine a world where plants are only source of food....
Hi my names Tony Bishop-Weston, award winning vegan chef and author of the Taigh-Na-Mara vegan cookbook, vegan and the complete book of vegan cooking and probably a few others if you looked on google....
One thing that I've always had trouble with has been cooking rice - rice and making coffee. For the longest time, I could do French pastry, but I couldn't make myself a cup of coffee...
In this next clip we'll be adding the two best dry ingredients to my bread. The first one is sweetened cranberries. I prefer sweetened cranberries because I like to have my stuffing sweet and...
Namaste, I'm Lata Jain, Welcome to Lata's Kitchen Upma is a very delicious and healthy snack It is usually prepared with Semolina and Vegetables But today I'm going to make...
Low-fat Popcorn: The Ideal Late-night Snack Hi, I'm Dr. James Meschino. Many of us have late night food cravings. With the wrong choice you can do a lot of damage. You can gain weight,...
MARIEVE HERINGTON: Okay, so there's the bacon. I admit, I let it in-let it stay in there a little longer than 20 minutes, because I like it really crispy. As you can see it, the bacon fat...
Man supports restaurant offering of free vegetarian meals. In his Taipei County, Formosa (Taiwan) vegetarian buffet restaurant, a man approached owner Mr. Hsu Minlong saying that he would donate funds...