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You killed my queens SHEETAL!!! I wont leave you alive!! Remove the cross!! - Remove it or else!!! Just you wait!! You killed my queens!!! I wont leave you alive!! You cant kill me nor can you drink...
Lina remembered an anecdote. And Howard told you: “Come on Jesús, you have to get up”. You said "why?" He said "Because you need to shoot a film" You said “Oh...
When Emilio proposed me these portraits, I thought as a painter that in one way or another I would immortalize the protagonist. There he is, here he is, we are rebuilding the man again, aren’t we. He...
Yee-hoo! Raise this barn, raise this barn One, two, three, four Together we can raise this barn One, two, three, four Up, up, up, go the beams Hammer those joints, work in teams Turn 'em round...
I always hear the stories about the guys who were born in a tobacco field in Nicaragua and a tobacco farmer found them wrapped in tobacco leaves...buuut...My story is different. It isn't like...
Hello! My name is Denise Robinson and on behalf of Expert Village, I am here to talk about how to create an indoor picnic. All right now it is time to find a location, so go anywhere in your house...
Waitress In Tennessee Lyrics & Music by Thorsten Jakobsson thorstenj@hotmail.com, Oct 14, 2012 Copyright Thorsten Jakobsson 2012 I was playing a small gig in a Nashville bar didn't...



you are a young dragon Knight the love child of Rivellon's first emperor Sigort alas your father was brutally murdered by his own sons and daughters and now they're waging a bloody war...
Drink,Your Majesty Good,but you must kiss me first Kiss you? Very well,you drink first Drink it now,sire and she'll kiss you Good Your buttock's on fire Lend it to me to put out the...