Even when I'm standing still, I smile oh, oh (Just smile again) Just looking at you makes my heart go oh, oh (I'm going crazy) Oh, walking the streets with you Eating delicious food...
Momentum After a Live Event In my last shoot: https://youtu.be/CvAU1HlD59k I talked about the importance of going to a live event. Not only for yourself, but especially for your team! Today I wanted to...
Tucked in with wind and buzzing flies Two plastic wires (The mountains) suffer from insomnia Large operasingers are standing outside The mountains have a fever My mountains are singing deliriously My...
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need a blessing like oh lord got me stressing like oh lord pray for money like oh lord hit the lotto like oh lord need a blessing like oh lord got me stressing like oh lord pray for money like oh lord...
Baptised with a perfect name, The doubting one by heart, Alone without himself You believe but what you see, You recieve but what you give Caress the one, the never-fading rain in your heart the tears...
It's the darkest hour, you're 22 The voice of youth, the hour of dread It's the darkest hour, and your voice is new Love is lost, and lost is love Your country's new,...
GTA 5 ONLINE, despite what many might think, GTA 5 ONLINE is well known across hundreds of nations all over the world. GTA 5 ONLINE has been around for several centuries and has a very important...
GTA 5 ONLINE, despite what many might think, GTA 5 ONLINE is well known across hundreds of nations all over the world. GTA 5 ONLINE has been around for several centuries and has a very important...