the national defense authorization act uh... habit included little provisional not a big deal that says that uh... if you are a terrorism suspects not of women who came in here and i think of you...
so the republicans have found a new criticism of president obama his evaluation speech was limp der he since the democratic president won re-election megan a conservative speech they're not...
Yeison era mi hijo él tenía la meta de seguir en la carrera militar y su mayor un deseo era irse a seguir en el ejército para hacer la casa, él tenía 23 años, él era muy responsable ayudaba mucho al...



Skupiendo Ira - Politiko korrupto=a karroñero Nuevas elecciones,devate en television se enfrentan los de siempre,menudo toston por ke tiras la primera piedra akaso estas libre de pekado si de tu puta...



over the years we've talked about the elisabeth hasselbeck quite a bit if you're not familiar with elizabeth hasselbeck she is the loan well actually not really that always the loan...
recently president bomb a and al gore have both come out the aggressively against foxes rush limbaugh and say but there have forcing republican politicians to be more more extreme has appointed seems...
this is an interesting video of a moscow arsonist who allegedly told a judge during his trial i only know what i'd hear on fox news this was the trial of a fifty two-year-old randolph lynn...