University of delaware

I'm Connie and I'm a transfer student. My name is Megan and I am a transfer student. When I graduated from my community college I didn't exactly know what I wanted to do. I...
Hello. I have been working on a project recently to rehouse a number of the silver foil fragments that we have. We have several boxes of these fragments and they're very delicate and some of...
Erik: Since we last spoke, what has been the most exciting thing to happen in your life? Stacie Grossman Bloom: I would say that I really got this amazing new job about one year ago. And I think it...
Hi. I'm Shel Silver, a faculty member here at Ashford University's College of Liberal Arts. The Bachelor of Arts in Homeland Security and Emergency Management program give students a...
Erik: What role has reflection played in shaping your personal growth? Stacie: I've become a much more sort of reflective person over time. I think, you know, I was in my 20's, I was...
Erik: What is getting easier and what is getting harder in your life? Stacie: I wouldn't say that things are necessarily getting harder and easier so much as they're changing. I think...
Erik: How are you learning to work more effectively across different disciplines? Stacie: I think I'm learning to work more effectively across different disciplines simply by virtue of having...
MUSIC, KIDS VOICES AT PLAY Being outside isn't just child's play. Nature-based education helps kids learn in a variety of ways. Julia Torquati studies the impact of programs that move...



Erik: How has your scientific training informed your development as a manager? Stacie: Developing managerial skills, as a scientist, is not so easy. It's not one of the skills that you learn...
Hi, my name is Carmen Traxler, and I'm the program director for the "Analytics: Optimizing Big Data Certificate at the University of Delaware. In today's business world, data...