Finding someone to share your life with can seem like a never-ending quest. But true love is worth fighting for. Other types of love... not so much. I'm sorry, Victoria. I thought I had it there. Just...
They say to keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. Don't go anywhere, beautiful. Wait... what? Who the hell are you? Your clone, bitch. I can't believe I've got knocked out by... a glove....
People are driven by survival. We do anything we can to get on. Only when we feel safe, do we start considering the things we want. 'Sup, girls? ♪ I see you're looking to my direction ♪ ♪ wanna get...
Danger can come in all forms. Da-doop. Sometimes, it can come in the most seemingly innocent and unlikely of places. Oh, my. Excuse me, but how much are you charging for that strange and peculiar...
[people murmuring] They say no matter how fast you run, sooner or later, your past catches up with you. Comin' through! [roars] Oh! Whoa! And I'm back. There you are. [growls] [gunfire] I've got you...
They say that you'll never be bored if you're treating life as an adventure. Ha! Oo-ah! On the other hand, you'll also probably die quite a bit sooner. Mummy. You're awake! You're looking as radiant...
Sync by fant0m See you in hell, mortal scum. You know that time when you've just moved to the city and you take the first apartment you find on craigslist with some dude you never...
Every once in a blue moon, something extraordinary happens... Easy. You don't have to do this. Something that really gets your blood pumping. Drop that arm. But, I wanted to go to the show. Sync by...
You know what's a huge decision? Having a baby. Give me your soul. Let's just do this before we change our minds. It's the one I call the game c changer, when two people who used to have fun together...
In a city of eight million, it's not always easy retaining your identity. I'll never eat jell-o again! But when you also have trouble retaining your shape... That's when things get a little sticky....