U.s. national cancer institute

Traditionally, cancer research and aging research focused on using mice or rats Our philosophy here is that we can learn a lot more from looking at species that are long-lived and are...
>> My name is Joan Han, and I'm a pediatric endocrinologist. I did my training here at the NIH for pediatric endocrinology and then I stayed afterwards to continue my research...
(Image source: National Cancer Institute) BY ELIZABETH HAGEDORN Scientists say they've now linked a type of blood cancer to the gene that controls aging. 
A new study published in the journal...
Three-Revolution Exhibition Sung Kyong Hui, a section chief of the Knitting Industry Management Bureau under the Ministry of Light Industry True to respected Marshal Kim Jong Un's on-site...
[ Music ] KOH: We want a country where all people are reaching their highest attainable standard of health but tragically too few people are reaching that noble goal and oftentimes people of racial...
>> So in 2010, the estimate costs of cancer care are going to be 125 billion dollars. And if we assume no changes in costs and incidents and survival trends, the estimates are going to...
There is a lot of controversy about who needs to get radiation after a mastectomy, particularly if they have one to three lymph nodes positive. Here is what I like to tell my patients. There is an...
[MUSIC] GIBBS: DNA Sequencing is a process where we determine and identify every single DNA base, every single DNA element that is in the genome of an individual. There are six billion of those in...
>> My name is Angela Mariotto, I'm Acting Branch Chief of the Data Modeling Branch of the Surveillance Research Program at Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences NCI....
Anees Chagpar: Today, if ever Kentuckians were to have previously contemplated leaving this, our great state of Kentucky to seek care for their breast cancer I tell them today you need no longer do...