Hi, I'm Ann Kennedy on behalf of Expert Village and we'll be looking at correcting common reading problems in children. Reading with no expression, another common problem. And...



Hello. My name is John Boyd and I'm the Director of Instruction for the Institute of Reading Development. Our organization has provided summer reading skills programs for just over 40 years....
>>TEACHER: Yes, this is a clue. This tells us something about the story. >>TEACHER: When we do a read-aloud, there are many things that we think about before just reading...
So here we have the quiz module for SilverStripe 3 These are very basic questions that I have got here. Corrent answer… not this one. This one! Yep! So clicking on the correct answer changes the...



Somebody who’s having chest pain should call 9-1-1. I often tell my patients that I would rather you would come to the emergency room be evaluated for what isn’t a heart attack, than to stay home,...



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Your US CRIMECAST Basic or Premium Report authoritatively documents and quantifies the crime risk associated with the precise location you selected. A Premium Report contains four essential kinds of...



INSTRUCTOR: In this screencast, we're going to try and fly through four different things here, the stratification by race, ethnicity, gender, and age. So we're going to go quickly on...



SPEAKER 1: This is part two in basically talking about some of the problems, or some of the issues, related to the family today. And one of the other issues that we haven't mentioned before is...

