So the reason why this is not wanting to stick to the vat is because this piece is so narrow. There is not a lot of room here to get a good suction going. So in order to deal with that problem which...



Okay so to trim the base of our candlestick the first thing I like to do is get a nice smooth surface here. So I'm going to take this tool and run it along here. If there was any discrepancy...



Okay, now we're ready to trim. So we're going to take that same trimming tool, the small one, the ribbon tool, and you leave the lid in the casserole. That's the easiest way to...
Now I'm going to, to make a little knob for the top of the lid so that would be like what you see here just something to put your hand on, lift it up you know to put it back down there. The ,...
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Today were going to cover a frequently asked question on how to cut out a bed liner for a fifth wheel installation. Its pretty easy, well measure for our cross rails just like normal and then well go...
[no dialogue]. [voiceover - female speaker]. Many times it will be necessary to trim unwanted frames out of clips. In this example, with the purple petunias, the very first frame is the picture of a...



By default every Roof and Shell has its own Trimming Body. When any connection is made between any two Roof or Shell, no matter what part remains, their trimming bodies are merged and will act as one...



This is a trick I came up with when I was in university. Trimming was never my favorite so I had to find a way to escape having to trim my pots. I will make a cylinder or any other form and I would...



What is the ruling of wearing the abayah (womens) from the shoulders and its loose and wide? No my brother. Let's answer the first (question). The womans abayah is not to be on the shoulders...

