The new Volvo FH has more computers than an aircraft- -offers the connectivity of a mobile phone- -and is environmentally efficient, safe and comfortable. How exactly is an ultra-modern truck built?...
We got up at 4:00 a.m. to come to Paris. Everybody got out of bed on time. That shows how impatient everybody was to travel to the capital and to discover the new vehicle. Can't you see...
CULTURA DE CÉLULAS Cultura de células significa apenas cultivar células. Existem certos nutrientes básicos que todas as células precisam, da mesma maneira que nós precisamos de comida. Certas células...
It was very difficult to write an Environmental Policy for Lush and part of the reason was because so many things had been there from the beginning and some of them, as Lush grew, some of them fell...
פּרק 9. בריזו, מינאַ האַרקער צו לוסי וועסטענראַ בודאַ-פּעסטה, 24 אויגוסט. "מייַן דיראַסט לוסי, "איך וויסן איר וועט זיין באַזאָרגט צו הערן אַלע וואס האט געטראפן זינט מיר פּאַרטאַד...