Tracy chapman

Maybe it's naive to say, but it almost seems like, in the past, people tried to sell you something you would actually need, like a hammer or a broom or a toothbrush. But now there's this notion that...
As you might imagine, I'm approached by lots of organizations and lots of people who want me to support their various charitable efforts in some way. And I look at those requests, and I basically try...
I dressed up as a veterinarian for a Halloween costume party. I had the lab coat. I got a couple of stuffed animals for patients and put bandages on them.
I think many people would say that writers like Stephen King have hypergraphia.
Songwriting is a very mysterious process. It feels like creating something from nothing. It's something I don't feel like I really control.
We have more media than ever and more technology in our lives. It's supposed to help us communicate, but it has the opposite effect of isolating us.
At this point in my life I'd like to live as if only love mattered.
I'm still thinking and hoping there's an opportunity for people to have better lives and that significant change can occur.