Captain America toys, mini figures, minimates, and action figures. From the movie Captain America, these are Captain America toys, minimaptes, and action figures. By Marvel. Music: Surf Inspector, Big...
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Hello I'm Eli from Eli's reviews and this is my review Hello and welcome to another of my reviews and this time I'm making review on BENDER From the tv show futurama In...



♪ This is my Cat Lady Action Figure set. And I don't use the term "Crazy Cat Lady." So I don't think it's particularly crazy to get along with cats better...
HobbyMom: Let's open up the Transformer Rescue Bots. It includes Optimus Prime HobbyDad: Help! I'm stuck in a tree. HobbyMom: I heard you. Cop is on the way. HobbyDad: Oh. Thank you,...
Speaker 1: Hey Hobby Kids, let's open up the Dodo Island Beach Buggy by Play-Doh. It's going to be a blast. Here's all the pieces it comes with. Speaker 2: Hey y'all,...
Hi and welcome to another review! Today we'll be having a look at Marvel Select Sabretooth by Diamond Select! This figure has been released in 2012 (first issue: 2009) and it's...
HobbyMom: Let's open up Play-Doh Coco-Nutty Monkey. Here's all the pieces it comes with. Let's start by making a banana. Banana? Yeah, we're going to make a banana....
HobbyDad: Hi, Hobby Kids. I got a Hobby Kid here with me today. HobbyKid 1: Hi. HobbyDad: We're going to open up the Lego Movie Mini Fig bag. Woohoo. HobbyKid 1: Woohoo. HobbyDad: Watch out...