Friday, March the 29th, 2013. This Week on GOG: In case you missed it, here’s what’s new. With a title like "Krush Kill 'N' Destroy 2: Krossfire" you instantly know...
Brief summary of the situation in Syria for February 19, 2014 Evacuation of Homs Old City population forcibly held by militants is going on. Syrian authorities cause every medical and humanitarian...
(Busselton Health Campus construction images) (Minister for Health Kim Hames): It's half way, we've been a year now in the construction to this stage and another year until completion...
NAN: Something comes up, and it's just*poo*, you're gone! Always, always running away by yourself! KAROL: It-It's not like that! NAN: Not like what?! KAROL: Like I said, back...



There are two types of massive crossover RPGs: The ones we don't get, and the bad ones. Behold: We did get to play Cross Edge and Chaos Wars (for better or for worse), but missed out on Namco...
October 27 Damascus province Al Nusra Front terrorists don't stop committing crimes against Syrian civilians. The number of victims to the bloody act of terror performed in Wadi Barada area of...



In This Episode We will find a place to build a Hideout We Need a cobblestone to make a tool You Can found a Coal in a mine or you can burn a wood You will get an EXP when mining an ore like coal,...



Najin appeared!! Stubborn kid!! Get away from my way or I can not hit this devil bastard!! COME ON! Danmit Kid, get away from him, you are disturbing me! What is he doing? The terrible Arkhan,...



After the military operations of the Syrian army that lasted more than 6 months on the area of Moadamyeh they have reached a reconciliation agreement under the terms imposed by the Syrian army. That...
Our correspondent in Syria colleague Mazen Slmo in a news bulletin shortly before: operations continue fighting between armed groups in the city of Aleppo and its countryside, where sources said the...