Why do I remember those days, When you and I, we plunged into the sea sun love Then we have the senses do not play It was like a fairy tale. The Life Before Her eyes seemed to be Was filled with a...



I’m ... fighting for good and justice. In the beginning they had not noticed but then it became impossible — they started the war. Enslaved by many: “Nashi”, friends, wives, children, parents — more...
-Ready? -Gvido, I don't think this is a good idea. -Changed your mind? -No, of course. -You're going back to Moscow in two days anyway. -Why do you want to do this? -Just for fun. -For...



Legalization: Suppression of prosecution, who produces, sells or uses illicit substances. Decriminalization: Removal of penalties for those who carry or consume illicit substances. Some public...



ugasili we have soldiers that is up but the others are already been dead percent above the fire ammunition from weapons began to explode At that moment we were founded a truck with the Serbian...
I am coming out of the fire with my heart burnt out I am coming out of the fire and out of its blazing wave I am stepping on a quiet shore without any South or North wind I am stepping on a quiet...



Hello and welcome to the first episode of bacio-di-tosca.tv! My name is Dörthe - and my name is Joerg! today we are in Mechtshausen in front of the Wilhelm Busch house! Wilhelm Busch would have...
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